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The Trivia Slam Game for Kids
Can your team master our tricky trivia?
Five rounds of fun in one hour will determine whether your team can pull together to become trivia masters. The questions in our virtual games for kids cover a range of topics, such as cartoon characters, snack foods, board games, famous places, songs, and surprising moments in history. You’ll be using our custom app—which can be used in any browser—so if you get stuck with a question, you’ll get a hint.
And to get you up out of your seat there’s a photo scavenger hunt round. That strange object on your bookshelf or funny t-shirt in your closet could help you achieve victory!
Our Game Host will lead your Zoom trivia game and send teams into breakout rooms for each round. The Host will check in with your team to make sure you’re on track. If you’re lucky or very persuasive, you might get a hint.
The game is for ages 10 and up. Groups can arrange private games for any time—for connecting families across the map, for school groups who can’t go on a field trip, for scouts and sports teams that can’t get outdoors, you name it!
Jaw-dropping reactions and uproarious laughter are optional. Ready to play?

About Watson Adventures
Since 1999, we've planned and hosted thousands of one-of-a-kind games to help groups and teams explore some of the best locations across the U.S. and find more fun.
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