Museum Scavenger Hunts in Seattle

The Art Attack Scavenger Hunt

  • private
  • adults
  • kids
  • indoor

Can you score as high as Jeff Bezos?

Yes, that Jeff Bezos. It was here, at the Seattle Art Museum, that the founder led his team to victory—and a perfect score. To do the same, you’ll have to follow a trail of clues through galleries of art from Africa, Asia, ancient cultures, Europe, the Pacific Northwest, and classic and modern America, in search of answers to fun, funny questions.

Along the way, you might discover…

  • What happens when a pig, a crocodile, and an elephant walk into a bar
  • The main ingredient in a bowl of not-so-grrrreat flakes
  • Why agonized men and drunken old women are so popular
  • A confused guy who wants to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth—but can’t
  • Someone who seems to be using a toe as a Q-Tip

Those are just a few of the quirky highlights. But you don’t need to know anything about art or the museum to succeed—you just need a sharp mind and comfortable shoes.

A Kids Edition of this hunt, suitable for ages 7 and up, gets children and adults to work together for a fun-filled introduction to the world of art that will leave them eager to return to the museum.

This group game has been a hit with everyone from corporate groups looking for team-building activities to birthday-party revelers looking for a good time. Try it—and trust us, you’ll like it!

The MOHAI Mania Scavenger Hunt

  • private
  • adults
  • indoor

Time-travel back to bygone Seattle…

…on a fun, funny scavenger hunt that reveals the best of the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI). On teams of six, you’ll search for answers to tricky, humorous questions about the objects on display. A trail of clues will lead you to uncover Seattle secrets and Pacific Northwest history and boggle at the latest tech triumphs in this Bezos Center for Innovation.

Along the way, you might find…

  • What sort of pop you could cop from a par-t-pak
  • A famous route on which countless computer gamers have died of dysentery
  • A couple of hosers from the Great Fire of 1889
  • Household items that time forgot
  • Unusual fruits on the Patent Tree
  • Cable cars, racing cars, and fantastic four-wheeled phenoms

Plus, souvenirs from the 1962 World’s Fair, the SS Beaver and other model ships, bizarre deep-sea diving helmets, dazzling vintage neon signs, and treasured toys.

A scavenger hunt at MOHAI is the perfect way to bring together friends and acquaintances for a birthday party, family reunion, social-group celebration, or whatever else—and have them raving about the event for days.

The MOHAI Murder Mystery Scavenger Hunt

  • private
  • adults
  • indoor

Unravel a devilishly tricky mystery…

…at the Museum of History and Industry, where a Watson Adventures staffer has been found dead. Your task on this group game? Catch the killer! Before he died, the victim scrawled a star on the floor with his own blood. Find out what it means and you’ll be on the path to solving the puzzle he left behind—and preventing a catastrophe that could destroy the world as we know it.

Along the way, you’ll get a fascinating, humorous tour of the museum’s great exhibits, where surprising details turn out to be part of a cryptic code. No knowledge of the museum or its art is required: you just need a sharp mind and comfy shoes.

It’s a great team-building game for any occasion that calls for fun.

The MoPOP Till You Drop Scavenger Hunt

  • private
  • adults
  • kids
  • indoor

Pop goes the team-building game!

If a scavenger hunt steeped in pop culture sounds irresistible, then this is the hunt for you. The Museum of Pop Culture is a feast for the eyes and ears. Recent exhibits have featured cutting-edge art, props, and memorabilia from fantastical TV shows like Star Trek and Game of Thrones, revolutionary video games, guitars from legendary rockers, a tribute to Jimi Hendrix, and interactive exhibits on classic horror movies sure to tingle your spine.

Your team’s mission: follow clues, explore the galleries, and answer tricky, humorous questions about what you find.

You might tackle such questions as…

  • What’s red and yellow and probably makes Who happy? Answer: The Fun Gun, from ‘Doctor Who.’
  • Find the group that you might think was called in when Dumpty took a fall. According to the FBI, what did teenagers do to their single to hear obscenities? Answer: Play it at 33 rpm, according to an FBI report on the Kingsmen’s hit song “Louie, Louie.”
  • At the end of the “Day,” what did the Fab Four call the crescendo? (But don’t let it disturb you.) Answer: The Beatles called the crescendo at the end of “A Day in the Life” a “freak out.”

Don’t worry if these seem mystifying: we’ve left out the clues that guide you to the right spot to find the answers. (No cheating!) No previous knowledge is necessary to play the game or even win. All the clues will be right before your eyes.

Younger audiences, ages 7 and up, can also get in the game on a special edition that provides an entertaining adventure for school field trips and birthday parties.

Escape to the Museum Virtual Scavenger Hunt

  • private
  • adults
  • indoor

Visit museums across the country—virtually!

Discover odd and unusual art and artifacts on this unique museum virtual tour. Tricky, fun trivia questions provide clues that lead you on a quest to explore 16 online museums of all kinds, all over America. You’ll pick your way through virtual galleries and historic locations, in search of amazing masterpieces, startling artifacts, dinosaurs, famous people, and more, earning points for uncovering humorous details, all without leaving your comfy chair.

No previous knowledge is required. You just need sharp eyes and great teamwork on this adventure. Thanks to video conferencing technology and our custom game app, people at home can play along with a Watson Adventures host, work with teammates, and have fun together. This game sends you searching for the strangest and funniest details in art hidden on museum websites.

Special editions for private groups

  • Want your colleagues to mix more during the game? The Mix & Mingle edition rearranges the teams at “halftime” to increase the number of people players interact with during the game.
  • The International Edition is great for groups seeking online ESL games.
  • If your group is up for a challenge, try the Brain Squeeze Edition, which adds devilish trivia questions to the clues.
  • Or if you’re an educator looking for online classroom games, consider the Kids Edition.

Want to see more of a particular city’s best museums and landmarks? Escape games for New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, the San Francisco Bay Area, Texas, and Washington, D.C., are also available. If your group includes people from a variety of countries, whose first language might not be English, check out the Around the World Scavenger Hunt.

Contact us to learn more—and find more fun working at home!

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