11 Hilarious New Valentines for the Art Lover in Your Life

Valentine’s Day is on its way, along with all the flowers and hearts and schmoopy silliness you can shake a cherub at. If you’re into all that, that’s great! But you don’t have to love candy hearts and pink teddy bears to get a kick out of tongue-in-cheek Valentine’s cards.

In the spirit of other fun cards we’ve whipped up, here are 11 artsy V-Day cards to share with your special someone—or with anyone who appreciates a good (bad) pun.

Feel the Burn
Watson Adventures Hilarious Art Valentines

They Can See Right Through You
Watson Adventures Hilarious Art Valentines

A Little Too Much, Even
Watson Adventures Hilarious Art Valentines

She Don’t Give A-dam About Any Other Man
Watson Adventures Hilarious Art Valentines

Yup, Just the Two of Us
Watson Adventures Hilarious Art Valentines

Well That’s…Sweet?
Watson Adventures Hilarious Art Valentines

You Bedevil Me
Watson Adventures Hilarious Art Valentines

Watson Adventures Hilarious Art Valentines

Dating a Leo Can Be Tough
Watson Adventures Hilarious Art Valentines

Simply Divine
Watson Adventures Hilarious Art Valentines